The attitude of the Church towards parent involvement in education is quite clear: "Parents are the first and the foremost educators of their children." Parents therefore are invited and encouraged to participate in the life of our school. Opportunities for involvement include;
Assisting in our school library by shelving, cataloguing and covering books
Assisting in classes supporting children
Volunteering to assist on the Tuckshop roster or in the second hand uniform shop
Attending P & F meetings
Coaching sporting teams and assisting with cultural activities and performances
Serving as a member of the School Board
Attending working bees
Supporting various social functions and fund raising activities held throughout the year
Volunteering your special gifts, talents or expertise
Parents can also demonstrate their support of the school and your child's education by:
displaying commitment to the school's Mission Statement and to the ethos of the school
making time to regularly communicate important information concerning your child
being active in support of the P&F Association's fundraising activities and school functions
being informed of what is happening in our school, especially by reading newsletters etc
participating in school / class gatherings and information sessions
welcoming new community members
encouraging your children to participate fully in the life of the school
communicating well and respectfully with school staff, students and parents

Parent Information Evenings
Early in Term One, each year level will conduct a parent information evening to:
familiarise parents with the curriculum for that year level and discuss classroom expectations regarding homework, behaviour etc
establish an initial contact between parents and teacher
allow members of the administration team time to inform parents of issues relating to the school
Throughout the year other evenings may be arranged (as needs arise or upon parental request) relating to specific curriculum areas. These may be conducted by staff members or guest speakers.
A positive, co-operative and proactive partnership between parent and teacher is vital. Teachers wish to work in co-operation with parents in the education of their children. Parents are encouraged to meet with the classroom teacher regularly to build relationships, to discuss their child's progress and to celebrate their child's achievements. Parents are able to organize a parent/teacher meeting at any time throughout the year although it is important to make an appointment in order for the teacher to gather the appropriate assessment data.
Formal parent/teacher interviews are conducted twice per year via an online booking system.

Newsletter and Communication Options
A newsletter is prepared each Wednesday and is distributed via the School App and website. As the newsletter is the primary means of communication for the principal, leadership team, staff, Board and P&F, parents are urged to read it very carefully and to note important dates etc. as a means of keeping ‘up to date’ with school life.
School App
St Joseph’s Wandal has developed an App for school to parent communication. This App will work through both smart phones and smart devices (iPads and Android Tablets).

Click on the ‘Play Store’ button on your Android Device
Click on the magnifying glass icon at the top and type ‘St Joseph’s Primary School Wandal’
Click on the school name when it appears in the search (this may take some scrolling)
Click the ‘Install’ button
Click ‘Accept’ for the various permissions
Click ‘Open’ when installed
Click the ‘More’ button on the right of the App, then ‘Setup’
Toggle on the Push Categories that are applicable to you

Click the ‘App Store’ icon on your Apple device
Type ‘St Joseph’s Primary School Wandal’ in the search
Click on the school name when it appears in the search (this may take some scrolling)
If using an iPad, change the drop list to ‘iPhone Apps’, click ‘free’ then when located, click ‘install’
When installed click ‘open’
Select ‘OK’ to receive push notifications when asked
Click the ‘More’ button on the bottom right of the App, then ‘Setup’
Toggle on the Push Categories that are applicable to you