8:35 AM
School Commences

11:00 - 11:40 AM
Lunch Break

1:40 - 2:00 PM​

3:00 PM
School Day Ends
Arrival & Departure Times
Children should not arrive at school prior to 8.15 a.m. unless approval has been granted by the principal. If it is unavoidable that a child arrives at school prior to 8.15 a.m. they are expected to utilise our Before School Care service. Morning playground duty commences at 8.15 a.m. At this time children move to the basketball court area where they are permitted to play.
Parents are requested to ensure that all children leave the grounds by 3.20 p.m. Should there be a difficulty in arranging for your child to be collected by this time, please phone the school as soon as possible on the day. Each afternoon there are three, teacher supervised collection areas:
Herbert Street – 2 minute pick-up zone and children wait near the entrance gate.
Rundle Street – This is a BUS ONLY pickup zone.
Meade Street Car park – children in Prep, Year 1 and their siblings wait on chairs to be collected from entrance gate.
If, for any reason, a child is late for school, is required to leave early, or is to be absent for part of the day, the office must be informed and the child ‘signed out/in’ at the administration office.
If a child is absent from school, parents must notify the school through Parent Lounge, phone or email prior to 9:30 am. If you know in advance that your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please notify your child’s teacher to ensure that specific arrangements can be made if necessary.
Each school day commences at 8.35a.m. with all children assembling in the undercover area on Monday's. At this time we join together in prayer and acknowledge each other’s achievements, celebrate birthdays and share important information.
On most Fridays our school community gathers for a weekly prayer assembly. Individual classes assume responsibility for preparing and presenting this weekly assembly. Dates of scheduled class assemblies can be found on the term calendar and in the weekly newsletter. All parents and friends are welcome to attend.
As well as these occasions, the school comes together for a variety of Liturgical Celebrations that recognise important events in the life of the school as well as that of the Church and community eg Anzac Day, Holy Week, St Joseph’s Feast Day and the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
As a way of celebrating achievement, effort and improvement, awards are presented on Friday assembly.
Frequently Asked Questions
BookclubA Scholastic Book Club operates periodically throughout the year at St Joseph’s Wandal. There are four different levels. Order forms are distributed throughout the year. The school receives bonus points with each Scholastic book purchase which allows the school to purchase extra books for the library and classrooms.
BooklistsBooklists for each year level are compiled and distributed each year via our School App and website. This booklist identifies text books, exercise books, stationery and consumables required by your child. Parents are asked to check throughout the year that their child has sufficient stationery. All items are required to be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
HomeworkEach class teacher is responsible for prescribing homework that is of educational value to the students and for reviewing the homework assigned. Teachers will inform parents of their expectations with regards to the completion of homework. All homework given will reflect work being carried out during class and is not expected to be difficult or onerous for either the child or parent. A child's failure to complete homework to a satisfactory standard or on a regular basis will be reported to parents.
Indigenous EducationCatholic Education is available to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from Prep through primary school and into secondary education. The gospel values of Jesus Christ are the cornerstone of our Catholic schooling system. Jesus Christ's life was characterized by the values of love, reconciliation, justice and peace. As followers of Jesus Christ, it is vital that these values are reflected in our attitude towards other cultures and races.
Leaving School GroundsChildren are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless the school principal has received notification from the child's parent.
Lost PropertyAll lost property is placed in the Lost Property Bin near the administration building. Items left unclaimed at the end of each term will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. Please clearly mark all of your children's items and check the clarity of these markings regularly.
Mission MoneyIn keeping with the charism and influence of the Josephite Order, the members of the St Joseph’s Wandal community work together to support those within the school and local community who are in need of assistance through service projects and outreach. Mission boxes are located in all classrooms and children are encouraged to support those less fortunate than themselves. Classes are encouraged to take on appropriate service projects during the year.
MoneyIt is important that money sent to school for specific purposes be placed in an envelope and given to the class teacher soon after arrival at school. Details on the envelope should include: - child's name/year level, amount of money and what money is for. Money should not be left in desks or school bags. No responsibility is taken for money not left in safe keeping. (Money for school fees is best paid directly to the office).
Parenting ArrangementsAt the commencement of each year, families are required to detail their family arrangements and inform the school of any custody arrangements / Parenting Plans, etc. If a custody Court Order or Parenting Plan is in place, the school requires a copy of these which will be placed in the student's file in order to assist staff and parents and ensure an appropriate duty of care to each child. If there is a change in family arrangements, parents are asked to inform the class teacher and principal, making sure that contact details are always current and "pick up and drop off" arrangements are clear.
SmokingSmoking is prohibited within the St Joseph's Wandal grounds during school hours and is totally banned in all buildings.